Disaster Volunteers (Basic) Training of Trainers



Ability to correctly transfer information about the basic roles and responsibilities of volunteers in disasters, the duties of volunteers in the field of disasters and the ethical and institutional working principles in the field of disasters to the people who will work with volunteers in disasters


Disaster (Basic) Terms
  • Emergency situation
  • Disaster and Disaster Types
Disasters Occurring in Turkey
Disaster Management Cycle
  • Mitigation and Preparedness
  • Intervention
  • Improvement
  • Reconstruction
Turkey Disaster Management System
  • Legislation
  • Turkey Disaster Response Plan
Red Crescent Disaster Response Plan
  • Incident Command System
  • Volunteer Management System in Disasters
Ethics and Working Rules in the Field of Disaster
  • Code of Conduct
  • Correct Communication Techniques with Disaster Victims
  • Communication with Media

Target Audience


Turkish Red Crescent Academy

Digital Document

Printed Document

Disaster Volunteers (Basic) Training of Trainers
  • Becoming a Turkish Red Crescent staff and volunteer (registration is required through the gonulluol.org system)
  • Having received Basic Disaster Volunteer Training
  • Having received Trainer Training (This condition will not be required when trainer training is included in this training programme)
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