The Education Sector’s Rising Star: E-Learning!

The Education Sector’s Rising Star: E-Learning!

Those whose paths have crossed with the education sector before the pandemic more or less had an idea as to what the term “e-learning” meant, and after the pandemic, people started to use it more…

Popular Video Conferencing Softwares: Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Meet

Popular Video Conferencing Softwares: Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Meet

Social distancing measures, and accordingly the remote working model, continue to increase as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In consequence, the frequency of the use of video conferencing software…

Hello Turkish Red Crescent

Hello Turkish Red Crescent

“They have voluminous works, they enter academies, and they are considered great personalities.” According to the Turkish Language Association [Türk Dil Kurumu (TDK)], the academy is a science…

What is Happening in Education?

What is Happening in Education?

2020 is a year that will be remembered in the history of humanity even after centuries pass. The World Health Organization declared the New Coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The…

New Normal and Digital Education

New Normal and Digital Education

An education program is a cluster encompassing all education and training elements such as courses and activities that take place in the learning environment, interpersonal relations and interactions,…

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