Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I

Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I

The Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey IHL Competition & Advanced Summer School is a project initiated by the Istanbul Center for International Law (ICIL) and Türk Kızılay with the support of the ICRC. It combines a theoretical summer school concentrating on specific themes of IHL and a competition where participants have a chance to apply theoretical knowledge into practice.

Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I is another pillar and an integral part of the Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey project and consists of the topics of lectures delivered in the second edition of the project that took place in 2021.

The book project, undertaken by the ICIL and Türk Kızılay, is initiated to develop an IHL corpus in Türkiye where the contemporary topics of IHL are addressed and discussed deeply. Aiming to disseminate IHL in international and Turkish academic circles, this project promises an open-access publication of the book.

The inaugural volume of this collected courses series also honors Kırımlı (Crimean) Dr. Aziz Bey, who was one of the founders of the Hilal-i Ahmer Cemiyeti (The Red Crescent Society, Türk Kızılay today) in 1868 and marks the continuing efforts to promote the humanitarian principles by the Istanbul Center for International Law and Türk Kızılay.

Publication Coordinators:

Hafize Zehra Kavak
Selman Salim Kesgin

Production Coordination:

Fatma Sena Yasan

Graphic Design:

Nevzat Onaran


Law, International Humanitarian Law

Publication Number:


Print Info:

1st Edition

Year of Publication:






Number of Pages:



16,5 x 23,5 cm

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