M. Emre Hayyar

M. Emre Hayyar

M. Emre Hayyar is a PhD Candidate in public international law at the University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom. He has been a board member at the Istanbul Center for International Law since August 2017. Emre holds an LL.M. in Public Law from Istanbul Medipol University (Summa Cum Laude, 2022), an LL.M. in International and European Law from Ghent University (Cum Laude, 2021), and an LL.B. from Istanbul University (2018). He worked as a research assistant in public international law at Istanbul Medipol University between February 2019 – January 2023.

Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I
Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I
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