Mustafa Can Sati

Mustafa Can Sati

Mustafa Can Sati is a PhD Candidate in the International and European Law Department at Maastricht University, specialising in the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies into means and methods of warfare and its conceptualisation and legality under international humanitarian law. He serves as the Administrative Director and member of the Executive Board of Directors of the Istanbul Center for International Law. Mustafa holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree in International and European Law from Gent University. Previously, he worked as a research assistant in Public International Law Department at Istanbul Kültür University from 2017 to 2019. He was also elected as a participant in the 54th session of the International Law Seminar organized by the United Nations Office at Geneva and the International Law Commission.

Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I
Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I
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