Onur Dur

Onur Dur

Onur Dur is a PhD candidate at the University of Basel, finalizing his thesis on “The Prohibition of Terrorism in International Humanitarian Law”. He also serves as the General Coordinator of the Istanbul Center for International Law. Onur holds a Master’s degree in International Law (2018) from the Geneva Graduate Institute, where he was awarded the Wilsdorf Scholarship. He received his LLB degree (2018) from the University of Galatasaray. During his bachelor studies, Onur participated in the Jean Pictet International Humanitarian Law Competition (Francophone edition-2016) and the René Cassin Human Rights Moot Court (2015). Currently, Onur is a lecturer at both Ankara Social Sciences University and the University of Basel.

Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I
Kırımlı Dr. Aziz Bey Collected Courses on International Humanitarian Law – Vol. I
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