A Guide to Safe Living at Home

A Guide to Safe Living at Home

To support the resilience of society fundamentally, we need to start with individuals and households. Although it is always associated with disasters, in order to develop resilience, we must first take control of normal routines, and not only that, we must make the controls we do in ordinary situations a habit and turn them into a skill. In our homes, where we perform our daily habits, our behavior can have positive or negative consequences. Safe behavior brings a safe life, while careless behavior can lead to accidents. After looking at where, how, and to whom home accidents occur in this book, we will explore the paths that deviate from these accidents and learn how to overcome any accidents we may face despite all the precautions we take. Thus, the resilience we develop through the knowledge and skills we acquire will create a foundation for us to cope with extraordinary situations as part of the normal flow of our lives.

Graphic Design:

Nevzat Onaran


Yahya Alakay

Production Coordination:

Fatma Sena Yasan
Ahmet Erdem Işık


Safe Life

Series Name:


Publication Number:


Print Info:

1st Edition

Year of Publication:






Number of Pages:



15 x 23 cm

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