Volunteer Management in Branches



  • Volunteer management structure and function
  • Red Crescent volunteer organization management process
  • Volunteering legislation in TRCS
  • Behavioral and ethical rules in the communication of branches with volunteers
  • The importance of working with volunteers
  • IFRC’s approach to volunteering
  • Volunteer recruitment activities and practices
  • The importance of field safety and health-related measures in volunteer work
  • Standard Operation Procedure for Volunteer Management in Disasters
  • Volunteer management system
  • Sample projects and studies carried out


  • Structure and Function of Headquarters Volunteer Management
  • Red Crescent Volunteer Organization Structures and Management Process
  • Volunteering Legislation in TRCS
  • Code of Conduct and Ethics in the Communication of Branches with Volunteers
  • The Importance of Working with Volunteers
  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Volunteering
  • Volunteer Acquisition Activities and Practices
  • Area Safety and Health
  • Volunteer Management in Disasters Standard Operation Procedure
  • Volunteer Management System
  • Exemplary Projects and Studies

Target Audience


Turkish Red Crescent Academy

Digital Document

Printed Document
Certificate of Attendance

Volunteer Management in Branches
  • To complete the Basic Level Branch Orientation Training Programme
  • To be a member of the Branch Board of Directors and Audit Board who has completed the Basic Orientation Training for Branch Managers developed for those working in the branch management organs
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